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The Chuckles & Laughs Show


is a show about an evil clown named Chuckles who has been incarserated in the

Gardner Hill Insane Asylum. He is surrounded by other crazy characters including the

resident nurse Misery who is also a witch, the apparently immortal Deadly Dan, the regularly malfunctioning cyborg, his evil older brother Chuck DeClown, and many more.

Our show has been on the airin Rhode Island for over five years,

never once repeating an episode, which brings our fans and viewers 350

original episodes with no sign of slowing down. Our cast also perform

live at charity events and other loval venues.

Watch the show every week


Monday Nights State Wide @

10 PM Cox 13 / Verizon 32


In Kent County RI Cox 18 / Verizon 31

Thursday Nights @ 10:30 PM

Saturday Nights @ 8 PM


New Bedford MA Public Access Cable

Friday Nights Locally @ 9:30 pm

Channel 95 (NRTV-95)



Are you a public access station or affiliate? 

Would you like to have the Chuckles & Laughs Show

air on your station? 



the Chuckles and Laughs show has a strong five year history on air in Rhode Island, and we're always looking to expand. If you're interested in airing our show on your station please contact us.

Click the links below to listen to the
latest episode of Chuckles Crypt, or visit to cath up on past episodes in the Crypt archives.

the Chuckles

and Laughs Show

looks great online

and on all of your devices! Click, tap, text, tweet, friend, follow, and keep up with all that we do wherever you are! 

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